Would you like the recipe for feeling like a twenty-year-old when you’re in fact ninety-eight? The secret seems to be yoga and wine. This isn’t your run of the mill healthy nonagenarian. We’re talking about a ninety-eight-year-old, ballroom dancing, wine drinking, international, yoga superstar.
You might have heard of the woman. Her name is Täo Porchon-Lynch, and she was born in India in 1918. Her extensive resume is dazzling. She started working as a model in Europe then moved to acting in Hollywood, met greats like Mahatma Gandhi, the Dalai Lama, and Coco Chanel but eventually followed her true passion, yoga.

Photo: https://www.instagram.com/nytimes
She has been practicing and teaching yoga since 1967 and hasn’t stopped since. She studied with some of India’s greatest yogis and still teaches five classes a week. Apart from that, she participates in competitive ballroom dancing with partners that are seventy years her junior.
Another notable fact is that she found the American Wine Society together with her husband in 1967, acting as Vice-President and judging in various wine competitions. She organizes annual wine appreciation trips to France for her fellow yoga practitioners. At ninety-eight she only drinks wine or tea, no water.
How she does it? We don’t know. After three hip replacement surgeries, she still does yoga, wears high heels every day and drives a car. She’s vegetarian as well, but something tells me I won’t be doing yoga at ninety-eight if I stick to a vegetarian diet accompanied by only tea and wine. All that’s left to do is to pour us a drink and admire this wonderful human being.